
ANTz Visualizations

Hyperglyph Visualizations

Advanced Visualization of EEG


Separate Datasets for each Band

Delta,theta,alpha, and beta bands generated separately.


Images of bands combined


Download self-contained zip with data, ant.exe, csv files, and .bat file.

Instructions to run the app:

Extract the contents of the zip file. Double-click the syriaconflict.bat file to launch the app and load the data.

Combined voxel view and fft


Download self-contained zip with data, ant.exe, csv files, and .bat file.

Instructions to run the app:

Extract the contents of the zip file. Double-click the syriaconflict.bat file to launch the app and load the data.

FFT Bands at each point in a volumetric space


Download self-contained zip with data, ant.exe, csv files, and .bat file.

Instructions to run the app:

Extract the contents of the zip file. Double-click the syriaconflict.bat file to launch the app and load the data.